Introducing our three-part blog series on getting started with in-house development. In this series, we’re detailing some key aspects of how you can create and deploy your own mobile apps, for the purposes of stakeholder engagement and value communication, in-house—without the help of external agencies.
Developing mobile apps in-house is increasingly popular compared to outsourced development, and the vast majority of top life science companies have implemented a variety of software to create them. For example, our BaseCase Platform is utilized by 70% of the top 10 pharma and medtech companies.
In this post, we’re answering the question of “How does in-house app development work?”. Here, we’ll touch briefly on why companies are bringing app development in-house, and detail how the BaseCase platform allows you to easily create apps for communicating product value and securing market access.
As engaging with key stakeholders and decision-makers becomes increasingly challenging, developing the apps that field representatives use must become simpler and more flexible. This is down to a need for apps to be made available as soon as possible, and for updates made in response to feedback or new data being released to be a quick seamless process. Bringing the development of such tools—for example, a visualized budget impact model—in-house achieves this through rapid development, and centralized management. All culminating in being able to stay ahead of competition.
BaseCase Interactive offers a centralized and collaborative, web-based platform that allows you to create and deploy mobile apps for field teams to use during stakeholder engagements. Apps can be developed using standard business software skills, in a similar way that Excel Spreadsheets and PowerPoint Presentations are built—meaning them infrastructure required to adopt our platform
often already exists.
Developing apps with BaseCase is quick and easy. After uploading your dataset or health economic model, link the inputs and outputs on your data layer with your chosen visualizations on the presentation layer in just a few clicks, no coding required. This user-friendly environment has enabled our clients to get to market quicker and avoid delayed launches, with many reporting a 50% drop in tool development timelines.
Once your apps have been deployed to field teams, centralized management enhances both adaptability and flexibility. To update your apps, simply upload and replace datasets and models with the latest version, with all presentation layer connections remaining the same. Once approved, the updated app is automatically deployed to field teams. This streamlined workflow gives our clients the power and framework to update and re-deploy tools to field teams in less than a day. Learn more about BaseCase