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Joshua Apgar, PhD

VP of QSP Software, Applied BioSimulations

Before co-founding Applied BioMath, Josh was a Principal Scientist in the Systems Biology Group of the Department of Immunology and Inflammation at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals. His work leveraged physics-based models to: translate in vitro and in vivo data, assess target feasibility, understand drug mechanism of action, and predict human doses. The ultimate goal of this work was to reduce late stage attrition in drug development through a deep and quantitative interrogation of drug pharmacology and disease pathophysiology.

Josh received his PhD from MIT in Biological Engineering where he worked on experiment design for Systems Biology, focusing on the identification of tractable experiments that could allow for the estimation of unknown parameters and reveal complex mechanisms in signal transduction networks. Before that Josh worked at Avaki to develop a highly scalable software platform to support High Performance Computing, and Enterprise Information Integration in the Life Sciences, and Engineering.