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Immunogenicity Prediction and Dose Optimization using Clinically-Validated In Silico Modeling and Simulation

Biologic drug development is a rapidly evolving sector in the biopharmaceutical industry. Immunogenicity is an inherent challenge with this complex class of drugs. A quantitative systems pharmacology approach can be used to predict and better manage immunogenicity, and as a tool to guide clinical and regulatory decision-making in biologics drug development.

Optimizing the Timing of Maternal Influenza Vaccination

Infants face a gap in protection against influenza between birth and the time of vaccination. Thus, maternal immunization is the only way to prevent flu infection in pregnant women and newborns. Our current understanding of the optimal timing of vaccination is rudimentary. Watch this webinar with Dr. Michael Dodds to learn how modeling and simulation (M&S) offers an alternate approach to dedicated clinical studies to determine the best time to vaccine pregnant women against influenza.

Certara’s Best of the Blog 2017

A selection of short essays from our blog, written to empower our customers with modeling and simulation (M&S) and regulatory writing solutions in order to help them solve the toughest drug development problems. Certara staff contributions range in topic from pharmacometrics to systems biology to the growing importance of regulatory writing and sharing clinical trial results.

The Modernization of Orphan Drug Development

Orphan drugs affect 350,000 people worldwide, including 10% of the US population and 1 in 25 Europeans. Model-informed drug development (MIDD) approaches, such as PBPK and PopPK have been embraced by sponsors and regulators, and play a key role in modernizing and accelerating orphan drug development.

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