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Khaled Benkali, PhD, MBA
Senior Director, Team Lead, Clinical PharmacologyDr. Khaled Benkali joined Certara in February 2020 as Clinical Pharmacology director, he brings strong business acumen and strategic perspective acquired through an executive MBA, a wealth of experience in Clinical Pharmacology gained in the pharmaceutical industry during 10 years (Galderma and Pierre Fabre, successively), and extensive exposure to in-licensing opportunities and interactions with regulatory bodies.
Prior to joining the industry, he was initially trained as a pharmacist at the University of Algiers, Algeria, and completed his training with a PhD in pharmacology and pharmacometrics at the University of Limoges, France, working with immunosuppressant drugs, and a post-doc focusing on the individualization of tacrolimus therapy using Nonmem. Dr Benkali masters gap analyses, due diligences and regulatory interactions.