Elzbieta Soltysiak
Consulting ManagerElzbieta Soltysiak is a Consulting Manager at Certara, boasting a career spanning over 14 years in medical-related fields. With a PhD and MSc under her belt, Elzbieta has developed a diverse skill set across multiple areas of expertise. Her career has included 8 years in Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), and Market Access, as well as 6 years in research on the design, manufacture, and characterization of materials for medical applications.
Elzbieta has a proven track record of successfully submitting reimbursement applications in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, as well as extensive knowledge of the EU/CEE Market Access landscape and payers’ requirements for drugs and medical devices. She has led and performed numerous Global and EU/CEE Market Access projects for drugs, vaccines, and medical devices.
In addition, Elzbieta has provided HTA/EBM training in public institutions and the pharmaceutical industry. She is also a co-author of publications presented at international conferences, focusing on topics such as HTA, biomaterials, and medical devices.