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Simcyp Academic Awards, Grant and Partnership Scheme (GPS)

Grant and Partnership Scheme (GPS) 2023/24

Certara is pleased to announce that the University of Florida submitted the successful bid for the 2023/24 Grant and Partnership Scheme (GPS).

The three-year PhD studentship project entitled ‘Improving translatability of drug-drug interactions arising from CYP induction for drugs with low Km using carbamazepine as a CYP induction calibrator: assessing inter-organ relationship between enzyme expression and activity of gut and liver enzymes in matched samples in healthy adults and Down Syndrome Patients’ will be led by Pr Rodrigo Cristofoletti.

Prior GPS Recipients:

2022University of Manchester
2021Ghent University
2020University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2019University of Washington
2018University of Birmingham
2017Long Island University
2016University of Washington
2015Radboud University Medical Center
2014University of Manchester
2013University of Washington
2012University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 
2011Flinders University of Adelaide

Eligible institutions who hold a valid Simcyp Software Academic License are invited to submit research proposals to obtain funding as part of the annual Grant and Partnership Scheme (GPS). A maximum of £30,000 per annum (total costs of project) is available for PhD studentships up to three years in duration or £50,000 per annum (total costs of project) for Postdoctoral research up to two years in duration is available. Applications are invited on an annual basis through a two-stage submission procedure. For more information and application criteria for this year’s scheme, please contact

Academic Awards

Each year, Certara’s Simcyp Division celebrates the application of the Simcyp PBPK Simulator in research and its use in teaching the new generation of scientists. More than 100 academic institutions use Simcyp for teaching and research. We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Simcyp Academic Awards 2023 who will receive financial support from Simcyp. Many congratulations to the following universities for their work utilising Simcyp: 

Most Informative Scientific Report 


University of Valencia for the paper ‘Application of population physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to optimize target expression and clearance mechanisms of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies.’ ​Javier Reig-Lopez | Weifeng Tang | Carlos Fernandez-Teruel | Matilde Merino-Sanjuan | Victor Mangas-Sanjuan | David W. Boulton | Pradeep Sharma

Runner Up

National University of Singapore for the paper ‘Unravelling Complexities in the Absorption and Disposition Kinetics of Abiraterone via Iterative PBPK Model Development and Refinement.​’ Eleanor Jing Yi Cheong | Sheng Yuan Chin | Zheng Wei Ng | Ting Jian Yap | Ervin Zhi Bin Cheong | Ziteng Wang | Eric Chun Yong Chan​

Prior Winners

2022Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
2021Wayne State University
2020University of FloridaNational University of Singapore & University of Sydney
2019Flinders University
2018Wayne State University
2017Goethe University Frankfurt
2016Geneva University Hospitals
2015The Hamner Institutes for Health SciencesHeinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
2014Wayne State UniversityUniversity of Bath
2013University of Liverpool
2012The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
2011University of Hawaii & University of Gothenburg
2010Flinders University

Most Effective Teaching Application


University of Pittsburgh for the following course, taught by Dr Junmei Wang, Dr Xiang-Qun Xie and Dr Zhiwei Feng ‘Pharmacometrics Level: Graduate (MS/PhD) course’| Pradeep Sharma

Prior Winners

2022University of Pittsburgh
2021Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2020University of Manchester
2019Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2016Long Island University
2013Dalhousie University
2010University of Gothenburg

Eligible institutions who hold a valid Simcyp Software Academic Licence are invited to apply for the Academic Awards. Please contact for further information.