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Technologies for the analysis and utilization of vast amounts of data in drug discovery research [Japan  Webinar]

This webinar was held in Japanese only. Certara introduced D360, a drug discovery research platform, focusing on its functional features such as no-code data collection, assay result display, chemical structure and sequence handling and analysis, uploading of unregistered data at the review stage, and analysis capabilities. To provide total solutions including services in pharmaceutical drug discovery and development, we have been enhancing our portfolio of services and software so that researchers can fully utilize gigantic data and gain insights at speed.

In this webinar, we will introduce the latest solutions including AI-based prediction, secondary pharmacological safety assessment, and blood concentration prediction to accelerate the drug discovery research.

For whom the webinar will be beneficial the most:

    • Drug Discovery researchers

    • DMPK Scientists

    • Preclinical scientists

    • Chemist

Speaker: Yasuto Nakashima, Sr Applications Scientist, Certara G.K.