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Optimizing DDI Knowledge throughout Drug Development [APAC Webinar]

Live webinar

An Introduction to Certara’s Drug Interaction Database (DIDB) 

At every stage of development, scientists make critical decisions related to pharmacokinetic (PK)-based drug interactions and drug safety. Certara’s Drug Interaction Database (DIDB) platform is the industry’s largest scientist-curated database to assess drug interactions and safety, and is trusted as an unbiased research tool by pharmaceutical companies of all sizes.  

Join our webinar to hear drug interaction experts Isabelle Ragueneau-Majlessi, MD, MS and Jingjing Yu, MD, PhD, review key DIDB product capabilities such as the Human in vitro and Clinical datasets and share customer stories to illustrate how DMPK scientists, clinical pharmacologists, and other researchers are using the expertly curated resources contained in the DIDB to optimize drug interaction decision making throughout drug development.  


Isabelle Ragueneau-Majlessi, MD, MS  
Distinguished Scientist 

Dr. Ragueneau is a Clinical Professor Emeritus from the University of Washington where she co-founded the Drug Interaction Database (DIDB) over 25 years ago. At Certara, she is the head of the Drug Interaction Solutions program and leads the Center of Excellence in Drug Interaction Science. She is a clinical pharmacologist by training, with a deep expertise in the evaluation of drug-drug interactions mechanisms and clinical significance. In 2022, she received the Gary Neil prize for innovation in drug development from the ASCPT in recognition of her extensive work with the DIDB and the impact of the tool on drug interaction research. 

Jingjing Yu, MD, PhD 

Dr. Yu joined Certara in 2023 following the acquisition of the University of Washington Drug Interaction Solutions program. With over 15 years of experience in drug metabolism and clinical pharmacology, she brings a unique expertise in the field of drug interactions, gained through her work in both academia and industry. At Certara, Dr. Yu is Director at the Drug Interaction Solutions and a core member of Center of Excellence in Drug Interaction Science. She is also an Affiliate Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. 

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