Ensuring Drug Launch Success via Integrated Pricing and Contracting Strategies
The client was a publicly traded pharmaceutical company developing a new type 2 diabetes product as a critical successor to an already accomplished product line. They needed to develop a pricing and contracting strategy for this product so they enlisted the Certara Evidence and Access team to ensure product launch success.
Our approach was to develop an evidence-based integrated pricing and contracting strategy and assist in communicating the strategy to relevant stakeholders in the organization.
The methodology consisted of conducting integrated qualitative and quantitative research with 45 payers, 325 physicians, and 425 patients with diabetes thus minimizing the use of arbitrary discounting factors. The net revenue simulator was customized to include variable clinical and economic parameters and accounted for changing competitive scenarios.
Our approach was to develop an evidence-based integrated pricing and contracting strategy and assist in communicating the strategy to relevant stakeholders in the organization.
The product exceeded unrestricted access goals for commercial and Medicare lives within 6 months of launch, as quoted by senior management in investor calls
- Certara was awarded a launch segmentation of managed care payers to further refine contracting recommendations using payer characteristics and likely launch access.
- Subsequently, a project to update the contracting strategy was awarded to Certara.
- Certara was also awarded the launch pricing and contracting research and strategy for other internally developed assets.
The pricing and contracting strategy was developed in a collaborative process, communicating within the organization at key points to ensure alignment and subsequent acceptance.
Type 2 diabetes is an impairment in the way the body regulates and uses sugar (glucose) as a fuel. This long-term (chronic) condition results in too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream. Eventually, high blood sugar levels can lead to disorders of the circulatory, nervous, and immune systems.