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Using Virtual Twin™ Technology for Model-informed Precision Dosing

In a recent Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology article, I assessed the status and future direction of precision dosing in clinical medicine.1 Model-informed precision dosing (MIPD) is a modeling and simulation (M&S) approach in healthcare that is used to predict the most effective and/or least toxic drug dose for a patient. MIPD could revolutionize healthcare … Continued

Immunogenicity Prediction and Dose Optimization using Clinically-Validated In Silico Modeling and Simulation

Biologic drug development is a rapidly evolving sector in the biopharmaceutical industry. Immunogenicity is an inherent challenge with this complex class of drugs. A quantitative systems pharmacology approach can be used to predict and better manage immunogenicity, and as a tool to guide clinical and regulatory decision-making in biologics drug development.

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